Home Phyllosoma Phyllosphere Culturing Jellies Molecular Methods



O'Rorke R., van der Reis A, von Ammon U, Beckley LE, Pochon X, Zaiko A, Jeffs A (2022) eDNA metabarcoding shows latitudinal eukaryote plankton diversity stabilizes across oligotrophic region of a >3000 km longitudinal transect in the Indian Ocean Deep Sea Research part II doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105178

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Carroll EL, Riekkola L, Andrews-Goff V, Baker CS, Constantine R, Cole R, Goetz K, Harcourt R, Lundquist D, Meyer C, Ogle M, O'Rorke R., Patenaude N, Russ R, Stuck E, van der Reis A, Zerbini AN, Childerhouse S (2022) New Zealand southern right whale (Tohorā nō Aotearoa) habitat use in Port Ross, Auckland Islands over three decades: 1998-2021 Polar Biology doi.org/10.1007/s00300-022-03076-7

Zantis, L. J., Bosker, T., Lawler, F., Nelms, S. E., O'Rorke, R., Constantine, R., Sewell, M., and E. L. Carroll (2022). Assessing microplastic exposure of large marine filter-feeders. The Science of the Total Environment, 151815. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151815


Consuegra, S., O'Rorke, R., Rodriguez-Barreto, D., Fernández, S., Jones, J., and Garcia de Leaniz, C. (2021). Impacts of large and small barriers on fish assemblage composition assessed using environmental DNA metabarcoding. Science of the Total Environment, 790, 148054.

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Ratcliffe, F. C., Uren Webster, T. M., Rodriguez-Barreto, D., O'Rorke, R., Garcia de Leaniz, C., and Consuegra, S. (2021) Quantitative assessment of fish larvae community composition in spawning areas using metabarcoding of bulk samples. Ecological Applications 31(3):e02284. 10.1002/eap.2284

Muha, T.P., Rodriguez-Barreto, D., O’Rorke, R., Garcia de Leaniz, C., Consuegra, S., (2021) Using eDNA metabarcoding to monitor changes in fish community composition after barrier removal. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9. 10.3389/fevo.2021.629217


Jeffs, A.G., O’Rorke, R. (2020) Feeding and nutrition of crustacean larvae. Chapter 11 in: M. Thiel, and K. Anger, editors. Larval Biology: Natural History of Crustacea Vol. 7. Oxford University Press, New York, USA.


Wasef, S, Subramanian S., O’Rorke, R., Huynen, L., Curtis C., El-Marghani, S., Holland, B., Ikram et al. (2019) Mitogenomic diversity in Sacred Ibis Mummies sheds light on early Egyptian practices Plos ONE 14(11), e0223964

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Publication Image

Waite, A. M., Raes, E. , Beckley, L. E., Thompson, P. A., Griffin, D. , Saunders, M. , Säwström, C. , O’Rorke, R., Wang, M. , Landrum, J. P. and Jeffs, A. (2019), Production and ecosystem structure in cold‐core vs. warm‐core eddies: Implications for the zooplankton isoscape and rock lobster larvae. Limnol Oceanogr. doi:10.1002/lno.11192

Carroll E.L., Gallego R., Sewell M.A., Zeldis J., Ranjard L., Ross H.A., Tooman L.K., O’Rorke, R., Newcomb R.D., and Constantine R. (2019) Multi-locus DNA metabarcoding of zooplankton communities and scat reveal trophic interactions of a generalist predator Scientific Reports 9, p281


O’Rorke, R., Tooman, L., Gaughen, K., Holland, B.S. and Amend, A.S. (2017) Not just browsing: an animal that grazes phyllosphere microbes facilitates community heterogeneity. The ISME Journal 11, 1788–1798

Price, M.R., O’Rorke, R., Hadfield, M.G., Amend, A.S. (2017) Diet Selection at Three Spatial Scales: Implications for Conservation of an Endangered Hawaiian Tree Snail. Biotropica. 49, 130–136.


O’Rorke, R., Holland, B.S., Cobian, G.M., Gaughen, K., Amend, A.S. (2016) Dietary preferences of Hawaiian tree snails to inform culture for conservation Biological Conservation 198, 177–182.


Wang, M., O’Rorke, R., Waite, A. M., Beckley, L. E., Thompson, P. A., and Jeffs, A.G. (2015). Condition of larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cold and warm core water eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 66, 1158 - 1167

O’Rorke, R., Lavery, S., Wang, M., Beckley, L.E., Waite, A.M., Jeffs, A.G. (2015) Spinning in different directions; western rock lobster larval condition varies with eddy polarity, but does their diet? Journal of Plankton Research 37, 542 - 553

O’Rorke, R., Cobian, G.M., Holland, B.S., Price, M.R., Costello, V., Amend, A.S. (2015) Dining local: the microbial diet of a snail that grazes microbial communities is geographically structured. Environmental Microbiology 17 (5), 1753-1764


O’Rorke, R., S.D Lavery, M. Wang, R. Gallego, A.M. Waite, L.E. Beckley, P.A. Thompson, and A.G. Jeffs. (2014) Phyllosomata associated with large gelatinous zooplankton: hitching rides and stealing bites. ICES Journal of Marine Science doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu163

Connell, S., O’Rorke, R., Jeffs, A.G., and Lavery, S. (2014) DNA Identification of the Phyllosoma Diet of Jasus edwardsii and Scyllarus sp. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 48, 416–429

Wang, M., O’Rorke, R., Nodder, S., Jeffs, A. (2014) Nutritional composition of potential prey of the spiny lobster phyllosoma (Jasus edwardsii). Marine and Freshwater Research 65, 3337-349

Wang, M., O’Rorke, R., Waite, A. M., Beckley, L. E., Thompson, P. A., and Jeffs, A.G. (2014). Fatty acid profiles of phyllosoma larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia. Progress in Oceanography, 122, 153–162


O’Rorke, R., Lavery, S. D., Wang, M., Nodder, S. D., and Jeffs, A. G. (2013). Determining the diet of larvae of the red rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) using high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques. Marine Biology doi:10.1007/s00227-013-2357-7

O’Rorke, R., Jeffs AG, Fitzgibbon Q, Chow S, Lavery S (2013) Extracting DNA from whole organism homogenates and the risk of false positives in PCR based diet studies; a case study using spiny lobster larvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 441: 1-6


O’Rorke, R., Lavery, S., Chow, S., Takeyama H, Tsai, P., Beckley, L.E., Thompson, P., Waite, A.M., Jeffs, A.G. (2012) Determining the diet of larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) using high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques. PloS ONE 7(8):e42757.

O’Rorke, R., Lavery, S., Jeffs, A. (2012) PCR enrichment techniques to identify the diet of predators Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 5–17.

Home Phyllosoma Phyllosphere Culturing Jellies Molecular Methods